2022 Kaiser Permanente Northern California Medical Student scholarship

Physician leaders of tomorrow can shape our communities today

We are proud of Kaiser Permanente’s social mission, research, clinical expertise, and leadership efforts in helping communities thrive. As part of this mission, we recognize the potential of future physicians and their contributions by offering $5,000 scholarships to rising fourth-year medical students selected for their demonstrated commitment to under-served communities.

Scholarship Criteria

  • Be a current third-year medical student in good academic standing who expects to graduate in the spring of 2024
  • Interested in seeking a residency in Kaiser Permanente Northern California
  • Attend an accredited medical, osteopathic or podiatric school
  • Scholarship recipients will be encouraged to participate in a one-month clerkship at a Kaiser Permanente facility in Northern California during their fourth year of medical school
  • Scholarship funds are sent directly to your medical school, no exceptions


  • Applications are accepted September through November annually
  • Candidates selected for final consideration will be invited for a phone interview in February 2023
  • Scholarship winners will be announced in March 2023
  • Awards will be presented to winners in person or virtual event in the fall of 2023

How To Apply

  • Complete and submit the online application
  • Open application timeline: September 1 – November 30, 2022

More Information or to Apply

Sponsor Levels

Presenting Sponsors: $25,000

Title Sponsors: $15,000

Champion Sponsors: $10,000

Benefactor Sponsors: $5,000

Individual Title Sponsors: $1,500

Individual Champion Sponsors: $1,000

Table Sponsors: $2,750

Ticket(s): $275, $500 or $1000 each per person (depending on level)

Individual Tickets for students: $275, $500 or $1000 each per person (depending on level)