Board of Directors

Albert L. Brooks, M.D.
President, Physicians Medical Forum
- Chief of Medical Services, Washington Hospital
- Serves on the Council of Alameda Contra Costa Medical Association
- President, Washington Township Medical Group
- Formerly, Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Alta Bates Medical Ctr
- Past President, Sinkler Miller Medical Association
- Past Medical Staff President, Alta Bates Medical Center
- Member, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Alpha Gamma Boulé

Kathryn E. Malone, M.D.
Vice-President, Physicians Medical Forum
- Chair, Recruitment Committee, Physicians Medical Forum
- Site Lead, Oakland Office, John Muir Healthcare
- Past President, Sinkler Miller Medical Association
- Board Member, African American Wellness Project
- Member, National Medical Association
- Member, Oakland Bay Area Chapter, The Links, Incorporated

Carol Miller, M.D.
Secretary, Physicians Medical Forum
- Professor, Pediatrics
- Medical Director, Newborn Nursery, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital
- Advisory College Mentor, Miller College, UCSF School of Medicine
- Member, John Hale Medical Society
- Past Board Member, Sinkler Miller Medical Association
- Advisory Council, SF Jazz All Stars Project
- Past Board Member, Larkin Street Youth Services

Warren J. Strudwick, Jr., M.D., M.B.A.
CFO, Physicians Medical Forum
- Team physicians & Surgeon, Oakland Raiders
- Board Member, National Medical Association
- Past President, Sinkler Miller Medical Association
- American College of Sports Medicine
- National Football League (NFL)Physicians Society
- United States Olympic Sports Medicine Society
- USA Weightlifting Federation
- American Medical Association
- Member, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Alpha Gamma Boulé

Thurman E. Hunt, M.D.
Board Member, Physicians Medical Forum
- Chief, Department of Anesthesiologist, Alameda Health System
- Board-certified in both Anesthesiology and Chronic Pain
- Formerly, Anesthesiology Chair, Hurley Medical Center, Flint, Michigan
- has a strong background in basic science research as well as clinical trials.
- Medical School & Residency, Stanford University, School of Medicine

J. Renee Navarro, PharmD, M.D.
Board Member, Physicians Medical Forum
- Vice-Chancellor, Diversity and Outreach, UC San Francisco
- Member of the African American Health Initiative for San Francisco County
- Member of the UC President’s Task Force on Faculty Diversity and the current representative to the diversity accountability committee
- Service to the University and the community has been honored by receipt of the Chancellor’s Celebration of Women Faculty Award
- Term effective July 1, 2014

Alden McDonald, III, M.D., FACC
Board Member, Physicians Medical Forum
- Interventional Cardiologist
- Partner, Cardiovascular Consultants Medical Group, affiliated with Stanford Health Care
Clinical practice primarily at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center and Eden Medical Center
Oakland, CA - Board Member, Stanford Health Care
- Board Member, Cardiovascular Consultants Medical Group
- Board Member, Sutter Care at Home, affiliate of Sutter Health
- Past Board President, American Heart Association – Greater Bay Area
- Consortium Core Member, Stanford Precision Health for Ethnic and Racial Equity (SPHERE)
- Member, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Alpha Gamma Boulé

Stalfana A. Bello, M.P.A.
Executive Director, Physicians Medical Forum
Ex-officio, Board of Directors
- President, Bello Public Relations
- Executive Program for Non-Profit Leaders, Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
- Masters of Science, Public Administration Cornell University
- Bachelor of Arts, University of California, Berkeley
- Board Member, American Red Cross Bay Area Leadership Council
- Member, Alameda Contra Costa Chapter, The Links Incorporated
- Cornell University Alumni Association
- Delta Sigma Theta