Title Sponsors


Sponsor Level Benefits

  • VIP Premium seating for 25 guests or students
  • Acknowledgement in print and digital promotional materials (must be confirmed by September 1, 2024 prior to printing)
  • Custom 2-3 minute video with branded messaging shown during program
  • Name/logo included in nationwide media press release
  • Speaking opportunity from podium (2-3 minutes)
  • Company name/logo on Step-and-Repeat Banner
  • Ad included in program slide presentation
  • Acknowledged during dinner program
  • Name/logo on PMF website
  • Name on table sign
  • Company added to PMF roster for speakers
  • Company branded items available at all PMF events
  • Speaking opportunity at DOB programs and activities
  • Scholarship/stipend named after company/organization
  • Invitations to post event party in Claremont Hotel Private Lounge
  • Complimentary Valet Parking

Sponsor Levels

Presenting Sponsors: $25,000

Title Sponsors: $15,000

Champion Sponsors: $10,000

Benefactor Sponsors: $5,000

Individual Title Sponsors: $1,500

Individual Champion Sponsors: $1,000

Table Sponsors: $2,750

Ticket(s): $275, $500 or $1000 each per person (depending on level)

Individual Tickets for students: $275, $500 or $1000 each per person (depending on level)